Monday, April 18, 2011

Shut Up Already

I was surfing the net looking for the initial reviews on the new Insanity Asylum workout and ended up finding myself highly annoyed.  The commentary banter at the end of some of these posts is just asinine.  Let me explain something, just one little thing to you people who think that just because my ass jiggles and my jeans have a double digit in the tag---it doesn’t mean I’m any worse at working out or even sticking to a work out plan than you. 

For four friggin weeks (could you tell I wanted to curse right there?) I have been sweating and jumping and pushing and grunting while doing this Insanity workout.  Yes, there are some moves that I may need to modify or had to modify at the beginning, but let me just say that I can do anything I set my mind too.  Besides, if you pay close attention to the people in the back, whether they are faking or not, they slack off or just leave all together.  Don’t assume just because a person is overweight, fat, plump, curvy (whatever you want to call it) they can’t do those things that make their bodies change. 

No, I am not saying this is a skinny vs. fat issue.  What I am saying is that when you see me running, keep your bugged eyes and surprised looks to your damn self.  When you ask me what I’m doing for a workout and I say Insanity or P90X or whatever, keep your “wows” and your “really?” to yourself.  I know I’m a big woman. I know that I jiggle and I shake and my waist is somewhat non existent.  I realize that my chin is doubled and my legs could possibly resemble the big turkey leg on Fred Flintstone’s plate, but just because I am all of that doesn’t mean I can’t do what needs to be done—what is getting done.

People, fat, skinny or in between, will only stick to something if their mind is in the right place.  So stop scoping out my groceries while I’m in line, stop gaping at my ability to run a mile (ok…more like a ¼ of a mile), and stop friggin (wanted to curse again) assuming that my fat ass can’t keep up with and stick to something as intense as Insanity.  One day, while you are gaping, scoping and assuming, I’ll be able to run circles around you—just wait and see.

The Runner

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